Monday, May 22, 2017

Seeking the Solace in Nirvana

Friday, May 19, 2017

tempus vitae

Kay Hassan

Version I

Wandering towards the peek

With my rifle in sight,

where  only enigmatic beings, unknown to man or beast,
were  meant to dwell within the icy peaks.

"There are no deer in these parts, little hunter," I said,

And that was  what anchored in my head,

Until the horizon unveiled a majestic sight;

A grandeur deer, emerged from nowhere.

running wildly on the milky snow in the frigid cold,

Propelled by the divine illumination of the Almighty's lantern,

The giant scene soon,

 impelled me to escape the clutches of death, 
In such a wild cold, the grandeur deer ,

was followed by a streak of a magnificent,

Spotted tigers, approaching His loins,

Here and there; with giant gaping jaws  and

Thrusting paws , everywhere around Him  ,

And behind Him.

He was racing His destiny at a full swing  ,

Fighting back with His splendid

Fatal symmetry –
of the velvet covered- Andouiller- (Antler.)

(Against the Tigers' dispute.)*

Haunting the sky like a thousand Albatros

And making the noise in the scale of a giant city,

He flew, through the  un-trodden,
 storm-troubled   downhill  trails,
And ran above  the sliding  avalanches –
And down on His way -The Deer,

 crossed a million barriers and rocks,

 traps, strongholds and tree stalk, 

following the lead of His instinct

He tripped and-

Fell down from a cliff to cliff

 Rolling down
On the harshest landscape God has ever made,   

And like an experienced  charismatic leader,

 manoeuvred for a thousand narrow escapes of  death,

counting on my clumsily -assembled statue    

and conflicts amidst
 the ambush* fellows over the first bite.

In such a wild waste-terrane

Where still Heaven’s  glory sprawled .

He ran with wet eyes and fog of breath,  

where  steps rhymed  like a sacred bell.
And as the power of will shone

More lustrous than the thunder of arms. 

I screamed. 'O Glory of the sky,
within the triple murderers'  hearts.'

(The Tigers, Himalaya and myself.)

I felt the scene with a horrible  shame.

But keen to watch the deer's spring and
Tigers' ambush's attack-at once

“Have any royal-Tiger Horses.
witnessed  such a  deer stalking rivalry.”
He is jumping from the edge- of the world-

Over the hermits' suicide cliff.

"God must have made
out  of the mountain's snow
a river in the spring -

streaming down the valley,

to flow  on the paradise cushion'

said the first hermit I met.

"Enlighten me,  blessed one," I shouted.                                                                                                       ' 

May, someday, in the same season

the ocean's tsunami hit the height,

And take the heart of Himalaya apart ' He added.

There was no extra  moment to ask him-- 

The Tigers scrutinised the flying-

Deer in shock, and like we do

for the  glowing gods
They held for him a highest regard.,

And came to prompt halt

 We stayed, as much as we could
hands on the hilt, and paw on heart,
Until the Deer rested on the stream
He swam  to where  He was out of reach,

On the other bank of the river,

He lingered across the untouched meadow, and 

Turned back  His head without regret

And stared high from afar;
Docilely in sorrow, for us

He saw the ambush*- have crumbled to lone wolves 

Each  through a gloomy trail,

was running up with no interest  in

 Their syndicate, anymore.

They had already started the climb.

Though everyone  was  gone

Idlest I was  amid the boundless  rage,

With my arm next to the sage.

Playing the dedicated pillar of the tale.  

Weaving, in shame,  a new twist,
and brewing a universal  storm in heart

Where the death ceases to have intellect.   

And Thy court ran out of verdict.

The End   

* The symmetry- in William Blake's Tyger. (Tiger.)
*Ambush-streak = Group of tigers.   

Version II

Wandering towards the peak, a solitary figure,
With my rifle in sight, a companion in the cold,
Where only mysterious beings, unknown to man or beast,
Were meant to dwell within the icy stronghold."There are no deer in these parts, little hunter," I said,
That thought anchored deep within my mind,
Until the horizon unveiled a majestic sight;
A grandeur deer emerged, as if by design.Running wildly on the milky snow in the frigid cold,
Propelled by the divine illumination of the Almighty's light,
The scene compelled me to flee death's icy grasp,
As the grandeur deer raced into the night.Followed by a streak of magnificent spotted tigers,
Approaching with jaws agape and thrusting paws,
He was racing his destiny at a full swing,
Fighting back with splendid, fatal symmetry—
The velvet-covered antlers against the tigers’ jaws.Haunting the sky like a thousand Albatross,
His hooves thundered with the sound of a city’s roar,
He flew through untrodden, storm-troubled trails,
And ran above sliding avalanches, forevermore.Crossing a million barriers, rocks, and traps,
Following the lead of instinct, he tripped and fell,
Rolling down from cliff to cliff,
On the harshest landscape God has ever compelled.Like a charismatic leader, he maneuvered through death,
Counting on my clumsily assembled form,
While conflicts amidst the ambush swirled around,
Each moment a tempest, a wild, raging storm.In such a wasteland where Heaven’s glory sprawled,
He ran with wet eyes and fog of breath,
Where steps rhymed like a sacred bell,
And the power of will shone brighter than death.I screamed, "O Glory of the sky!" within the hearts of three,
(The tigers, Himalaya, and myself in this plight.)
I felt the weight of shame in that frozen tableau,
Keen to witness the deer's leap and the tigers' fierce fight.“Have any royal tiger horses witnessed such a chase?”
He jumped from the edge of the world, a daring flight,
Over the hermits' suicide cliff, a leap of faith,
"God must have made a river from the mountain's snow,
Streaming down the valley, a paradise in sight,"
Said the first hermit I met, wisdom in his gaze."Enlighten me, blessed one," I shouted in the cold.
“May someday, in the same season,
The ocean's tsunami strike the heights,
And take the heart of Himalaya apart," he foretold.There was no moment to question him further—
The tigers scrutinized the flying deer in shock,
And like we do for glowing gods,
They held him in the highest regard, a sacred rock.We stayed, as much as we could,
Hands on the hilt, and paw on heart,
Until the deer rested on the frozen stream,
He swam to where he was out of reach,
On the other bank of the ice-locked river,
He lingered across the untouched, snowy beach.He turned back his head without regret,
And stared high from afar, a frozen king,
Docilely in sorrow, for us he gazed,
As the ambush crumbled, a shattered thing.Each tiger, now a lone wolf in the frost,
Retreated through gloomy, ice-bound trails,
No longer interested in their frozen pact,
As they began their solitary, upward scales.Though everyone was gone, I stood idle,
Amid boundless rage, frozen in time,
With my arm next to the sage, a pillar of ice,
Weaving shame into this frosty rhyme.In this realm beyond mortal comprehension,
Where frozen reality bends and breaks,
The court of nature ran out of verdict,
And I remained, changed by the frozen stakes

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