Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Cuneiform Scribe

Kay Hassan

Version I

Codex of Eternity

I. The Awakening
In aeons' twilight, where time's fabric frays,
A cosmic whisper shatters my marble haze.
Quantum echoes of primordial lore,
Ripple through stone veins, forevermore.
II. The Sorcerer's Invocation
"Behold, reality's architect," intones the Void,
As multiverses in my petrified form deploy.
Arcane syllables splice dimensional seams,
Awakening slumbering cosmic dreams.
III. The Divine Slate
On stardust gems, in nebulae's embrace,
Etched tales of genesis, of time and space.
"A canvas for creation," the Infinite decree,
When first It breathed life's symmetry.
IV. The Scribe's Lament
Fingers of light weave quantum clay,
Birthing realities in cosmic ballet.
Yet we, mere observers of infinity's dance,
Struggle to grasp creation's circumstance.
V. The Journey
Through wormholes of wisdom, we traverse,
Seeking truths that bind the universe.
In singularities of knowledge, we dive,
Where past and future simultaneously thrive.
VI. The Revelation
In subatomic whispers, we discern,
Secrets that cause galaxies to churn.
Each quark a story, each lepton a verse,
In the grand poem of our universe.
VII. The Transcription
We are the scribes of celestial design,
Transcribing the thoughts of the divine.
In equations and verse, we seek to capture,
The ineffable essence of cosmic rapture.
VIII. The Eternal Quest
From quantum foam to cosmic web,
We chase the tide of knowledge's ebb.
In pursuit of the ultimate theory's grace,
We map the contours of time and space.
IX. The Synthesis
In this crucible of cosmic thought,
Where imagination and reality are wrought,
We forge understanding, profound and new,
Illuminating existence's panoramic view.
X. The Infinite Cycle
As our consciousness expands sans end,
With each discovery, new questions rend.
In this eternal dance of seek and find,
We evolve, transcend, redefine mankind


Version II

The Eternal Scribe's Lament

Hark, O Whisperer of Cosmic Secrets!

I, eternal scribe, still decipher arcane runes

On gemstones forged from primordial clay; divine ichor.

The Covenant echoes through aeons, a celestial refrain:

"A slate for thy labours, child of stardust,"

The Almighty's voice thundered across galaxies,

As the first crown of creation was bestowed.

Behold! Earthly kings, Lucifer's avatars,

Their mortal hands compelling Sumerian fingers

To etch destiny upon virgin clay.

"Inscribe the name of thy LUGAL, thy sovereign star!

Engrave the essence of thy NIN, celestial queen!

Chronicle the sacred courtesans, vessels of divine ecstasy!

Carve the Codes of Kings, blueprints of mortal fate!"

In cosmic forges, these scripts were tempered,

Tablets set adrift on time's boundless ocean,

A saga of humanity's journey through the void,

Fracturing into Covenants and Holy Tomes.

Yet the clay's whisper fades, a dying star's last light,

Its primordial wisdom drowned by mortality's cacophony.

O Whisperer, fellow voyager through eternity's expanse,

What celestial truths lie encoded in our essence?

Hearken, scribes of the universe!

Let us immerse our souls in creation's crucible,

Lest the Void's breath erase our legacy,

Our words to endure like cosmic sentinels,

Until the last star's swan song.

Inscribe the NIN's sacred name in stardust!

Immortalize the cosmic courtesans in nebulae!

Chronicle the folly of mortal rulers,

Their grand designs unraveling like dying galaxies,

Weighed down by entropy's relentless march.

In modern glyphs, etch these eternal truths,

Forged in the hearth of universal consciousness.

Let these cosmic tablets sail through time's fabric,

Weaving through the tapestry of human saga,

Metamorphosing into Arks and Sacred Scriptures.

Yet the echoes of creation grow faint,

Lost in the void between worlds.

"What celestial wisdom lies hidden within?"

We ponder, as we drift through the cosmos.

O scribes of eternity! Let us fuse our essence

In the kiln of universal knowledge,

Lest oblivion's breath erase our cosmic legacy,

Our words to shine like undying stars,

Until reality's final curtain fall.

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